Contribute to the Dr. David Daniels Scholarship Fund

The Dr. David D. Daniels III Scholarship and Fellowship Fund establishes a sustainable legacy fund (endowment) to support students’ matriculation in their commitments to ministry as they engage in religious and theological study and research in the tradition of Dr. David Daniels. As a global Christian Historian, his interdisciplinary scholarship, as well as his humility and servant leadership as minister and mentor, has left a legendary path for others to build upon and emulate. 

Dr. David D. Daniels III

The purpose of the Dr. David D. Daniels III Scholarship and Fellowship Fund is to establish a sustainable legacy fund (endowment) to support the matriculation of students in their commitments to ministry as they engage in religious and theological study and research in the tradition of Dr. David Daniels. As a global Christian Historian, his interdisciplinary scholarship, as well as his humility and servant leadership as minister and mentor, has left a legendary path for others to build upon and emulate.       

Rev. Dr. David D. Daniels III was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and a humble and esteemed servant of God.

Dr. Daniels dedicated his life to academia and ministry. He was the Henry Winters Luce Professor of World Christianity and Professor of Church History at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL. On faculty for 37 years, he was at the heart of the McCormick community. His students and colleagues held him in the highest esteem for his scholarship, integrity and compassion.

Dr. Daniels was an ordained minister and bishop in the Church of God in Christ.

Dr. Daniels’ work and scholarship will inform generations of those yet unborn.  His research on Global Christianity, early African roots of Christianity, International Pentecostalism, ecumenicism and even spiritualities beyond the Christian tradition, will shape and guide the future of our understanding of what it means to be a follower of Christ in a global and diverse world.

He has bequeathed to us all a profound legacy. He has left an indelible mark on the study of Christianity.  As one colleague said, “His life was a song of praise.” He was a 2023 recipient of SDPC’s  “Beautiful Are The Feet” Award. Click here to view his section of the commemorative book.

Tax-deductible contributions should be made to the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc. with a specific memo designation of the “Rev. Dr. David Daniels III Fund.”

Checks, made payable to Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc., can be sent to the 4533 South Lake Park Avenue, Chicago, IL 60653, or donations can made via

For more information on the fund, please contact Margot Williams, Director of Organizational Advancement,; (773) 548-6675.