Over a year before Katrina left the shores of Africa, a federal contract was awarded to Innovative Emergency Management, Inc. to coordinate a simulation exercise of a Category Type 4 Hurricane in the New Orleans area. Local, state, federal and volunteer organizational emergency officials collaborated in this simulation and exercise. The Hurricane Pam exercise, as it was tagged, had all the ingredients of a virtual storm with winds of 120 mph and up to 20 inches of rain, topping the levees and flooding the New Orleans area. What was forecasted was that 300,000 people would not evacuate in advance; 1000 shelters would be needed; 97 percent of all communications would be down; boats and helicopters would be needed for thousands 2 of rescues; 175,000 people would be injured; 200,000 would become sick and 60,000 would be killed; over 500,000 buildings would be destroyed. The Delta was on alert – stand-by in New Orleans!


Interfaith Resource Book